Wednesday, February 3, 2010

In Fox they trust

So a report just came out saying that Fox is the #1 trusted news source, beating out CNN by 10%. Fox holds 49% of this supposed viewer trust. I now understand why people are confused. If they trust the ones that factually lie then how can they even begin to know what's real. In an off the cuff comment the Roger Ailes, President of Fox, said he was in the "ratings business" and thus not in the news business. Case in point is when Fox news cut away from the Presidents Q&A with the GOP early, just cause. What the hell? Like what the fuck? So the problem is clearly that the American people are being fed do we fix this?

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1 comment:

Ben's Chronicle said...

It turns out that the poling done for these numbers is off. Fox news is not the most trusted, but the most watched by the conservatives, of which watch no other news source. The pole actually shows that the term most "trusted" is misleading and should actually be called the snapshot of who are watching what news.
Fox News: The Most Trusted Name In News?
special thanks to Frants