Thursday, September 30, 2010

Google Street View in Antarctica

Google, famed search engine and future overload of the planet, has begun street view mapping Antarctica. This will be helpful when you need directions back to the base camp after sleeping all night in a TaunTaun.

Oh look it's a penguin!

Check it out here.


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Salesman Pete - An Animated Short

Salesman Pete from Salesman Pete on Vimeo.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Doctor Who Tardis Talking Money Bank

The Doctor is in...
Now you can get your very own Talking Doctor Who Piggy Bank. Brilliant!

More of the Doctor
Oh and there's a random Dalek hanging out at some school here.

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More than a mess this is the Gowanus

While Brooklyn licked wounds and recanted stories of the epic tornado the Gowanus Canal filled with raw sewage. It's almost impossible to think that even with its' superfund status that the canal still endors going from bacteria green to deadly brown. "Ride the wave".

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Tornado Hangover - Brooklyn

Last night I decided it would be a great idea to just run to the grocery store and do some shopping. I even convinced Rob to join me-although it did look like it was going to ran. On our way back from the store we apparently were caught in a freak tornado that caused chaos throughout the city. A video is floating around showing at green sky and what looks to be a wall of clouds moving through Brooklyn; Well that is were Rob and I were, right in that wall of clouds.
We were approaching forth when the rain started coming down. I noticed the green sky instantly, but thought nothing of it, cause it's New York, not Texas. I put up my umbrella and for a moment Rob and I walk under sprinkles of rain. Then the intersection in front of us 'literally' disappeared and we were engulf in buckets of water. Both of us instantly looked like we had jumped in a lake, but not even a lake could made us so wet so quickly. In a lake it takes spit second for cloths for absorb the water, not the same with wind and water at 80 miles an hour. We ran for cover in the Lyceum watching the water and wind that seemed to consume everything.
All in all pretty lucky.
Here's a bit of the neighborhood damage, although city workers have been up all night cleaning because today it is like any other day in New York: Coffee, Subway, Work...

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Into the Wilderness of Brilliance with Google's Chrome & Arcade Fire

If you haven't had a chance to blow your mind with this interactive advertureous video from Arcade Fire, which was designed by Google Chrome then go here now: The Wilderness Downtown.
You will need three things: Google Chrome, the address for where you grew up, and a mind to blow. Go forth and see what HTML 5 can do.

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