Saturday, February 20, 2010

An American Idiot? or a new kind of show

In September of 2004 punk rock gods, Green Day, released what I consider to be one of the best albums ever, American Idiot. For months (years), I listen to the album over and over again. I craved the drum beats, guitar riffs, and recited the lyrics like scripture. Just the other day I played the whole album twice while training for the 5-Boro bike ride. It simple to say that I haven't gotten tired of the boys of Green Day and in some ways I believe they can do no wrong. Except, yesterday I saw something very odd on the Television; An ad came on for a Broadway Musical called "America Idiot"; Just the title made me spit out my coffee. When I heard a singer belt out in perfect Broadway unmodulated pitch, "don't want to be an American Idiot", I yelled at the TV, "you bastard". Other parts of the commercial could have been good, but things like overdone harmonies from female vocals just made me blind with anger.
The rest of the day I was stuck pondering "what the hell is going on. Is this the post punk political revolution. Has the political unrest become the norm after just a year? Do all great artist just give in to big spenders of Broadway?"
I calmed down after a few hours and thought of other musicals that have really struck a chord with my bitter anti-pop heart. Hedwig, Tommy, Spring Awakening, Rocky Horror are all just amazing. What makes them so amazing is the the mad geniuses behind them, as well as the music's original intent. If someone was just crazy enough to make a new form of communication for this punk political album, then it would be brilliant. Apparently Green Day has been very involved in conception and a well know director, Michael Mayer, has taken on this madness. Mr. Mayer did such great shows like Spring Awakening (listed above before I knew Mayer's was involved) and 'night Mother. It will be super hard for Mr. Mayer to ride that line between rock and clean cut wholesome Broadway. The folks of Green Day aren't dumb. They must be at least okay to be so involved, right?
I want this to be good for so many reasons, one of which is to not destroy something that was so meaningful and respected. As an artist having a new mode to communicate is very important. It is very hard to reach an audience through all the noise out there. I myself have been told my vocals have a "musical theatreness" even when I think I am punk rocking out. One can only hope for the best. If you hit the shows site, check out 21 gun. The violins and added female vocals sounds pretty cool. The show opens at the end of April and the previews start at end of March. Hopefully reviews will post something like: "If there was ever a way to recreate art, so that other people could feel it, than it would be called America Idiot, the new Broadway."
The Trailer (Post what you think)...

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