Saturday, January 17, 2009

Volume X: Bush "Thank You!"

Thank you Bush for: steeling an elections; not knowing what to do in times of crisis; starring into the abyss when we were under attack; exploding NY's finest; saying "with us or against us"; starting a war under false pretenses; spending more money to get oil than to get the bad guys; forgetting about fuel alternative; deregulating wall street; giving more money to the rich; thanks for disregarding the pour & sick; using the word "misunderestimating"; giving up diplomacy; empowering the wealthy health care executives; killing social security; creating the ss (I mean Homeland Security); thanks for making us live in 1984; controlling the press; destroying the English language; making the republican party the "evil" party; being stupider than your dad; demolition liberty; undoing freedom; torturing people; killing civilians; holding people against their will; breaking international laws; forcing other countries to break international laws; thanks for not helping people after a hurricane; showing that our country is still: racist, sexist, & homophobic; dropping your dog; making every child left behind; showing that kids are now "learned"; taking funding from schools; hiding the truth from the public; allowing poison into our toys & foods; making the south rise again; re-addicting us to oil; wiping out our Ozone; undoing the purpose of our space program; placing unjust people as judges; thanks for: wearing a cowboy hats; taking vacations all the time, being like every other Chief executive who doesn't care about his workers; making public into private; turning the middle class into Atlas; undoing parts of the Internet; listing to our phone calls; reading our emails; making cheap things expensive; turning hope into hopeless; personifying tyranny; leaving America broken...

Thanks for:

prompting Barak; proving we are unbreakable; and making me write this blog!

End Transmission

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