It's finally hear.
8 years...8 years of waiting...8 years of fear...but now hope for the hopeless.
We've been trying to guess what this day will feel like. It's seems to be a flutter of the heart, something that one can't describe; like a first kiss or a warmth from a good cup of hot cider.
What will he say to us? Will he fill in the gaps we've been missing?
(He will fill something that's for sure...that long lasting void made by his predecessor.)
The administration has already been offering people a voice by allowing everyday people to write in all their ideas to Now they may not be able to read all of them, but it gives people a direction when they've had none. What Obama seems to bring is direction and now we need it more than ever. He may not have all the answer nor even a real plan, but true leaders never do.
On inauguration day people will put out US flags, when 2 years ago they'd rather have burned them than display them. It will be like a 4th of July celebration. Obama has brought nationalism back to the forefront of our culture. He personifies the youth and vitality that the US was once know for. His words will echo through the coming years. (you know its gonna be a good speak.)
To top off the building energy of this past week a plane landed safely into the Hudson. The skills of calm pilot allowed a amazing and unbelievable landing into the cold winter waters. We now know that he was composed and cool in the face of danger. With the help of his "wing man" (copilot) he did something rarely done or even imaged. The pilot even went back after people left the plane and made sure they everyone was safety out of the aircraft.
This pilot represents the hero we voted for and the possibility what is come. We've run into danger and we want someone to land our country safely. Obama will tell us to "brace for impact" and somehow, someway we will make it.
Mister Awesome Himself. (his mustache gives him strength)
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.
-William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
End Transmission
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