Sunday, January 25, 2009

Volume XI: O (almost) Week 1

Obama's (almost) first week

Day 1
-be at work early even after a late night of dancing
-check out new office
-cap senior staff salary
-Freedom of Information Act (Executive)
-Government Transparency Order
-end :(

Day 2
-continue to be awesome
-Review of the Detention of Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri

Day 3
-Limit Lobbyists power over White House
-Presidential Record keeping order
-Change Reagan Bush Anti Abortioness
-Use PR to show how transparent government will be
-decide if "Chief Executive Kickass" would be a better title than "President"
-Really look at this money issue

Day 4
-Order the Closing of Guantanamo and clarify the US breaking of the Articles is the Geneva Conventions
-Review of US detention Policy
-Set up laws of Interigation (clarifying that the US does not allow torture going forward)
-Look under Lincoln's bed for money
-First Video address as President

Day 5
-day of much needed least for a few hours

(Almost) Week Review:
Changed the perception of the US domestically & internationally
Showed that this money issue isn't going to magically be solved
Explain that our War on Terror has created terror
Start to undo what previous administration did
Infuse the words "strength" & "hope" into the word "nationalism"

January 19th, 2008 Bush WhiteHouse

January 21st, 2008 Obama WhiteHouse

Continue Transmission

1 comment:

I fancy mars said...

I'm very pleased that he had such a productive and positive first week. At the same time I'm sad that he had to plan his first week UNDOING so much of the crap Bush did in his 8 years. He's still undoing it. At least he's following through on some of his promise of "change," because he's shown that he's willing to reverse so much of Bush's policies. That's who we voted for.

Now we have to make sure we don't get lazy and be ready to hold him accountable when he does something wrong.