Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tyranny-Volume 1

The English language has an estimated 171, 476 words that are validated by the Oxford Dictionary. These do not include the vast amount of colloquialisms that we now use through speech and the ever growing language of Texting. Of all of these words there is one that rattles the cages of all of those who are free men (woman). This world is Tyranny; for which the equally (Oxford) knowledgeable  Merriam-Webster describes as: "oppressive power & a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force." I have known this word; I have faced it many times, from ignorant jocks, to school system, to freelance jobs in America. In the past when confronted by this word I have faced it with an eagerness to defeat it.  But 2 weeks ago I faced Tyranny inside the walls of a corporate entity. At first I couldn't really understand what to do. Like a fish out of water I just flopped around and did nothing. One would think through my past experiences that I would simple be ready fight the system, but I was ready to just run. This is an all-to-easy route for us, the people who have fought and lost; we "Just simply stop fighting and find a place to hide"(verbalized). In these moments of oppression I remembered when my backbone slipped, and I almost became one of them, the "normals" (verbalized).  
In 2004, I went to the RNC (Republican National Convention). I was eager to gather with like minds to stop the tyranny produced by the Elephant Party. I gathered my energy and arrived with many, carrying signs and waving flags, but what I saw made me surrender my verbal fist. I viewed so many people all griping about different things and not directly focusing on the RNC. Each person of the-what I believe-100,000+ people all had some issue from every imaginable sect of the "liberal" mind. We all wanted the same thing, but we were selfish, and did not come together and say "no", "absolutely not" to the entity(RNC) we were there to fight. It was almost easy for the system to spend 70 million in order to divide and concure us. We did not link arms and face the Imperialism Army, for we were just "bitching" not acting. And those of you that did attend may not agree with that breakdown, but truly you could see by the armed officers pinning us in like cattle,  we "lost the day." Even if the media had covered and correctly counted the army that was us, we were an ugly bunch, fighting amongst ourselves. It was sad, and I felt lost. 
That day made me think there was no real resistant to tyranny and each day after that, as the RNC's leader became more powerful I became weaker and weaker till it was almost hard to believe. I ignored my emotional state and kept up my speech, but truly never found myself, after that day, faced with this element of tyranny again. I avoided the fight and integrated into the system. There I sat, not waiting, but just excepting. This was true 'til one or two days of being a slave for the Tyrannical
Out of somewhere deep in my soul came the real power that music, art, and words were suppose to invoke. Up until then my thoughts of resistance had fallen on deaf earsI grabbed my pen and wrote to instigate a change within the system. I made the choice to stand and face the real "fire(d)". 
I want to say it worked, that my ink on a page made the difference. 
It didn't stop, but my verbal response to an inappropriate order rang in what I hope to be true change. "Absolutely Not, No" and with that there was a change. I now resist and the ink on the page are orders that echo against the Imperialism and tyranny that plagues our nation and our world. Fight the system and stop the Tyranny. 

"Now something must be done...'Cause I'll rip the mike, rip the stage, rip the system...I was born to rage against 'em"
-professed  through the vocals of Zacarías Manuel de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine in their piece Now Your Enemy.

Also see

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