Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pinball with your mind

When I was a child I use to play on my parents crap computer. I always hated how slow everything was; mostly cause at the time I sucked at typing. I wanted an easier way to interface with the computer. So I put pen to page and sketched up an image with a guy wearing a helmet with little dots all over it and wires coming out of parts of it. These wires then ran into a small box and then into the computer. I brought the drawing into my mom after it was complete. She looked at it and said "what's that". I reply "this is a mind reading device, so you can control a computer with your mind." She looked at me and said "neat.?" and went about her day. For years I have talked about this device with people that would listen, but mostly no one would. Even within the last year I started looking for where I had put the original drawing, so that I could actually build it. I wanted to use it as a way for people who could not move or even for other species to write words without having to type. Well a German company has been working on mind reading machines and they have come up with a pretty cool pinball game. It's doesn't do everything yet, but the head piece looks exactly like the one I sketched. Sometimes I wonder if I was smarter as a kid and never did anything about it cause people thought I was crazy. Oh well. Here's the future...

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