Monday, October 20, 2008

Volume X: SNL Smells

Oh SNL how can you climb so high & shoot yourself in the foot. We all watched to see Ms. Tina do the funniest impression since the great Will Ferrel as Bush, Dana Carvey as Bush Senior & Perot, & of course Phil Hartman as Clinton. These were all great as Tina is, but you never used this past tallent to bow out. Pour Tina had to just simple leave the stage as she was told "she's here", (Tina)"the real one". What a stupid walk off! Not even Alec's rant telling Sarah off excaped the sell out. A brillant true telling monologue from Alec ruined by an ending with him reolising it wasn't Tina and saying "you're prettier in person".
I guess what was most disappointing is the fact that Tina plays Sarah so well. Her talent knocked SNL from the top. Marky Mark & Alec mystaking Sarah for Tina was all to real. Tina says completely crazy sounding things that unforunately are true. No script required. It's all to perfect. So the dumb parts of America actually thought Sarah was already on SNL when Tina first appeared. The republicans saw this errie problem & needed to deflate it.
"How do we deflate it" wondered the gop, "let's make SNL bow to us, like America has for 8 years". So Sarah gets to scare Alec to eat his words, Tina to just leave the stage, and Loren Michael gets to keep his show in the new Republican world. I wonder if Tina feels she can do the impersination anymore with such shame hanging over her. I would want to retired after being the funniest person to sell out ever.
As for Sarah's second spot on SNL; well the rap was funny but worthless for her involvement. I would have liked if the show hadn't began so pourly.

Oh SNL its back to not watching you again. I hope that one day you can stop sucking and regain the humor you so inspired.

Dana Carvey As Bush - What we know now

End transmission.

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