Friday, October 3, 2008

Those of you playing the Palin drinking game last night are most likely feeling worse than your first college party. Your still passed out on the coach and have yet to even called in sick to work. If she said "also" or "Maverick" one more time you might of had to have your stomach pumped...maybe you still do. Silly people, you knew it was going to be bad and yet drinking didn't make it good. We all know an hour in, the glass was to heavy and you had to pretend for the rest of the game.
Anyway Sarah began during the hand shake by asking Biden, "can I call you Joe." (He should have said "no".) Critics are already saying she put the folksy into the debate. Folksy is John Denver not "talk like an idiot". Sarah, if you dumb down your linguistics anymore we may have to create a new word "Palinbilly". And as the theme from Deliverance (Dueling Banjos) played Sarah laid it out for us.

Palin: I am freaking nuts.
Biden: I am old fart who actually voted for the people
Palin: I might be legally retarded
Biden: I actually know facts.
Palin: Obama voted for this bill and that's bad
Biden: McCain did also, dumbass!

Biden obviously won this debate. He pulled out the old "I actually know what I am talking about" trick. At one point I could see the vein just throbbing from his head as Sarah kept saying stupid shit and lieing on various subjects. I know we all wanted Biden to really lay into her, but he did a good job. He also (drink), wasn't that long winded as per usual. Sarah was not as funny as the Katie Couric interview. (which by the way does not make Katie Couric a good journalist. It's just happenstance that Katie got someone so amusing and that's why we keep watching it.)

Sarah flipped on so many questions. She almost hung herself with the lets "drill", drill, drill and save the environment. Yes, Sarah, tapping our oil reserve would bring jobs temporarily, but it also bring about the destruction of our planet. So it won't matter that Mommy and Daddy have jobs their children won't have a planet to grow up in.

I think Joe final got the huge edge when he got a little emotional about being a single parent. I totally felt his pain even though I have 0 kids. America has to know that he truly doesn't want single parents to struggle and will die trying to make things just a little better. Joe's stride at the end may have been a little to late with American's all having ADD. He needs to work on his sound bites. More "single parent" Joe, that will keep you on the defensive side even though I wish you had just kicked her ass!

As for you Sarah I am have only one piece of advise. Go look up the word Maverick and go use your bridge to nowhere!

Also(drink), big props to the Gwen Ifill for nailing the moderator position. She was an all star and should moderate the rest of the debates. Don't watch the other debates on CBS if I get another survivor ending right before the debate or crazy split screen flip I am going to go crazy.

End transmission

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