"I am a man of constant sorry", after last week we have seen trouble and pain.
How did we get to this? Well "we" all know; its a never ending war, it's the greed of human kind, and the stupidity in our nature. People have been lossing big for 7 years now. Some have lost their homes and some have lost their lives; some from nature and some from men. The nobles have again lead us away from the path of righteuousness. They have used their tricks of god & country to take from us until there is nothing left to take. I say that our recent rebellion has cause these currencies to fail. "Why feed the machine" some kept saying; "why support that which is wrong".
So how can we solve. Well I think that most of us have already done so. We are taking from the rich, now we just need to give to the pour. The fat cats got a little taste of what's it's like to be middle class everyday and unfortunately the middle class had another bad day. But in these dark hours of a growing black monday let us not fear.I don't need to give into the system to live or even have nice things.I am above the system. Imagine this, if we just started trading between ourselves and creating a new form of trade. One not yet correpted by the best advertisement. Let's us form an economey that is "for the people and by the people" so that we can truely have control (at least for a little while).
End transmission.
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