Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Volume XI: off your ass the Tele's Dead

As if 2008 couldn't let one day go by without another sucky thing happening.
There is war breaking out throughout the Gaza, people are starving on every corner of the earth, jobs are lost, crime is up, and the year in review looks like a smiting from God. But now escapism and truthiness are on the verge of collapse. The magic box that informs us of the madness and helps us escape this very madness is in trouble. On the eve of the new year New York Time Warner subscribers received a scrolling message on certain channels letting them know they would no longer be able to get Viacom Networking. This includes MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, & Comedy Central. The laziest of people raised their eyebrows and knocked over their beers at the shock of loosing their Daily Show and Spongebob Squarepants. Starting Jan 1st 2009 Time Warner people will be out of luck. This is all do to negotiations between Time Warner and Viacom crumbling. Quick reports have shown that talks are doomed.

Time Warner sucks, like really sucks. Like 15 dollars to replace your remote that never worked Like calling and saying your internet is slow and hearing "so?". Sucks. TW charge so much money for basic cable and their government endorsed monopoly has made it so that there is no compettion in the area. It's not that TV is really that important anymore, one can look at the Boob Tube on the internet. But when you look how much your going to have to pay for just Internet through TW, paying for cable isn't that much more. Although the crappy connection TW provides will now be clogged with more internet goings since they won't be watching their shows via cable. Most consumers will cancel or just not use the the cable service. Even at the loss of their beloved NY1; Although we still might be able to catch "in the papers" online (kickass).
The point is this: the giant corporations that have ruled our lives are collapsing and instead of being liberated from their evil ways, we will suffer! At all levels we will feel the pain of loosing basic services. It starts with your bank being dumb, your job being lost, your inability to get cars or car parts, your media lost, your public transportation costing to much to ride, and your safety being threatened. All of this will lead up to problems with your electricity and your water. The people in charge will not help you when they are not making millions, especially when you have no money to give. We must work together and focus on services for human function and social order. It is imperative that we start building something better for the future. Our 2008 has shown how much we have lost. May we find a way to be better than generations before us and fix what is broken.

End Transmission

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